Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How to Install the iOS 7 Beta on the iPhone 5

Installing the iOS 7 beta on the iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S is pretty easy with direction. Make sure you receive confirmation that the UDID is registered otherwise this will fail. This could take some time, especially if you choose to restore from backup, so budget accordingly.
1. Register the device UDID with IMZDL
2. Make sure you are on the latest version of iTunes.
3. Connect the iPhone to the computer and perform a backup with iTunes.
4. Download the iOS 7 Beta for your iPhone model. IMZDL offers direct iOS 7 beta downloads and torrents.
6. Open iTunes and upgrade to the iOS 7 Beta by choosing Restore.
  • Be sure to hold alt/option on Mac when you click Restore.
  • On Windows, hold Shift when you click Restore.
7. Find the .ipsw file you downloaded and select it.
8. Complete the installation and then restore from backup if you desire.
This will install the iOS 7 beta on the iPhone 5, iPhone 4S or iPhone 4. An iOS 7 beta for iPad and iPAd mini will come later.

What Devices Work with iOS 7?

Not every Apple device works with iOS 7, and the list that works with the initial iOS 7 beta is especially small.
  • iPhone 5
  • iPhone 4S
  • iPhone 4
iOS 7 beta 1, as it stands today does not work on the iPad, but a version should come to the iPad soon and work on the following devices.

  • iPad 2
  • iPad 3
  • iPad 4
  • iPad mini
Stay tuned for new iOS 7 beta for iPad information.

What to Know Before Installing the iOS 7 Beta

There is no official way to downgrade from iOS 7 to iOS 6, so keep that in mind before upgrading to the iOS 7 beta. There may be workarounds to this, but don’t count on them.
Apple does not offer an over the air iOS 7 beta download, so you will need to plug in. Also, the betas will expire, which means you will need to update regularly. Don’t use this if you will be away from the internet for extended periods as it could leave you stranded. Once the iOS 7 beta expires the device is unusable.
Keep in mind that this is a beta for developers and it may not always work like your iPhone does right now. Some apps and services may not work on the iPhone during the beta. If you try the iOS 7 beta don’t leave negative app reviews if things don’t run smoothly.



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